Thursday, February 26

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny ...'

some snipets of a conversation i had with a friend a few days ago.

him: d'you remember what you said?
me: about what?
him: about what you'd do...if myself.
me: i said i'd put a gun to my own head.
him: my own folks wouldnt do that for me.
me: you forget, i'm not your folks.

him: dont worry about me.
me: dont worry about you? thats like me asking you not to slash yourself.
him: you know i wont stop.
me: exactly.

him: how d'you always know the right words to cheer people up?
me: its not that hard...
him: so how?
me: i just think of the things i want others to say to me. 'cept that they never do.