Sunday, May 16

It's like a dream you try to remember
But it's gone
Then you try to scream
But it only comes out as a yawn
When you try to see the world
Beyond your front door
-Barenaked Ladies

i can hear their voices downstairs.

dad's - calm and somewhat tired. mig's - frustrated and very tired. mom wasnt talking, but i'm sure she was there at the table with them, listening to every word.

mig wants out. out of this house. eventually out of this country. to do that, he needs money. and he's willing to sacrifice his happiness for that. he's rather take a job that pays then one he enjoys doing. he just... doesnt care anymore.

each member of this family has their own set of ideals. we often clash. but we never force them upon each other. and even though they contradict the norm, society, or even our own beliefs, we try to support each other's decisions.

back in new york, chad came home once announcing he was getting his ear pierced. i
mom: okay. i've got a diamond stud in my drawer. you can use that.
and in jordan, he wanted to get his hair dyed green.
dad: long as you dont get thrown in prison.

mig knows i dont share his sentiments. but he also knows i've always got his back.

just like i know he's always got mine.