Monday, July 19

Moving all around
Screaming of the ups and downs
Pollution manifested in perpetual sound
The wheels go round and the sunset creeps behind
Street lamps, chain-link and concrete
-Linkin Park

the group was really split.
chez and camille - yellow.
lex and therese - blue.
maecy and jo - red.
loren and me - green.
the two of us sat ourselves beside phy. we chatted while waiting for the mass to start.
loren: bea, bagay sayo suot mo.
phy: yung design?
loren: yung kulay.
me: *laughs* tama!

the grade one were lined up beside us. the teachers told us to set examples for them. we smirked. that might not be such a good idea.

it was raining, i was grateful for the cold air, coz i was beggining to feel lightheaded. i managed to get through the day without fainting though.

later that evening, i was chatting with lalaine, chris, myk, and luc.
there was a problem. we needed a solution.
what we came up with - "lets just kill the damn biatch! hahaha!"

mom called while that was happening. i think she sensed that i wasnt exactly well. i reassured her that i'd take care of myself.

she can worry about me when she gets back home.