Monday, May 2

Oh my god, a bribe?!

i agreed to go with dad to his voice lesson. when we got there, the coach was handling this girl, who looked about my age. he was telling her off, saying she wasnt taking the lessons seriously, and that he was getting insulted. i turn to dad with a look that said: "waaaaah!"

turns out the guy was actually really cool. he earned high respect from me in a matter of minutes, after he started with dad. and dad, apparently, does really well. they used row row row your boat to warm up. anyway, when they finished, the coach turned to me and made me do a couple of songs with him too.

ate lunch at mcdo. 3 cheeseburgers for 3 of us.

dad took me to sop's afterwards, heh. spent the next few hours talking to lalaine and kyle, walking the dogs, buying ice cream, complaining about the heat.

note to self: let her steer more often!