Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.
Erica Jong
i completely forgot we were going out to lunch at my aunt's place. i had to rush to get ready. its a good thing i still beat my brothers to the shower.
i was kinda skeptical about goin' coz i dont really get along with my cousins there. well, we get along, but we're not close. course i didnt have much choice.
the food was served. i could see most of my cousins seating themselves at the dining table inside. aissa, however, took a spot on one of the tables outside. now, wherever aissa sits, my brothers sit. and if farah was there, she would have probably sat with them too, but she's in the states. they're are my brothers' age, much older than me, but i like their company better than the ones my age, so i joined them at the table, and mostly just listened to them, but every now and them they would address me.
they served us watermelon for desert. that gave me and my bros an idea: watermelon shake! it was a hot day, and we wanted to make desert more appealing. so we picked out the seeds, dumped the slices into a blender, and presto! we sat under the macopa tree in the garden, drinking. the three of them lit cigarettes. normally, i would have moved away, but since it was open air, the smoke didnt bother me. i've grown kinda accustomed to it too. we were quite comfortable where we were until a shower of falling macopas forced us to evacuate the vicinity.
a scene that happened in the dining room:
me: *texting sop*
aissa: who do you keep texting?
chad: its a girl!
me: O_o
i nearly fell off my chair, hahahahaha.
my brothers left soon after that, they both had places to go to. aissa went upstairs to join my other cousins. i went back out alone into the garden and found a bench to sit on in the shade. i wasnt alone for long though, one of their cats came up to me and lay down at my feet. soon he'd jumped up and transfered to my lap. i was kinda surprised at first, but we i guess be both grew into each others' company. he stayed there till my dad called me coz it was time to go.
i got annoyed at my parents. they had told me to hurry up and say goodbye, so i did. but they're the ones who ended up taking such a long time to wrap things up. i wanted to snap at them. but instead i just took the car keys from my dad and let my head cool in the car. halfway home, my mood had lightened. its funny, i dont think i ever really learned to hold a grudge. sometimes i wish i did though.
Erica Jong
i completely forgot we were going out to lunch at my aunt's place. i had to rush to get ready. its a good thing i still beat my brothers to the shower.
i was kinda skeptical about goin' coz i dont really get along with my cousins there. well, we get along, but we're not close. course i didnt have much choice.
the food was served. i could see most of my cousins seating themselves at the dining table inside. aissa, however, took a spot on one of the tables outside. now, wherever aissa sits, my brothers sit. and if farah was there, she would have probably sat with them too, but she's in the states. they're are my brothers' age, much older than me, but i like their company better than the ones my age, so i joined them at the table, and mostly just listened to them, but every now and them they would address me.
they served us watermelon for desert. that gave me and my bros an idea: watermelon shake! it was a hot day, and we wanted to make desert more appealing. so we picked out the seeds, dumped the slices into a blender, and presto! we sat under the macopa tree in the garden, drinking. the three of them lit cigarettes. normally, i would have moved away, but since it was open air, the smoke didnt bother me. i've grown kinda accustomed to it too. we were quite comfortable where we were until a shower of falling macopas forced us to evacuate the vicinity.
a scene that happened in the dining room:
me: *texting sop*
aissa: who do you keep texting?
chad: its a girl!
me: O_o
i nearly fell off my chair, hahahahaha.
my brothers left soon after that, they both had places to go to. aissa went upstairs to join my other cousins. i went back out alone into the garden and found a bench to sit on in the shade. i wasnt alone for long though, one of their cats came up to me and lay down at my feet. soon he'd jumped up and transfered to my lap. i was kinda surprised at first, but we i guess be both grew into each others' company. he stayed there till my dad called me coz it was time to go.
i got annoyed at my parents. they had told me to hurry up and say goodbye, so i did. but they're the ones who ended up taking such a long time to wrap things up. i wanted to snap at them. but instead i just took the car keys from my dad and let my head cool in the car. halfway home, my mood had lightened. its funny, i dont think i ever really learned to hold a grudge. sometimes i wish i did though.